Hermoine Granger Egg Cup
HAVE A MAGICAL BREAKFAST; No magic spell is needed for any Wizard, Witch or Muggle to transform their boring plain breakfast egg, all they require is this Hermione Granger egg cup, egg topper, spoon, and toast stamper set.
WINGARDIUM LEVIOSA; Stamp your toast with this levitation charm that is taught to first years at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. But maybe don't say it aloud if you want to egg to stay on the table.
ECO-FRIENDLY: Buy with confidence that when your Hermione Granger Egg Cup comes to the end of its life the plastic will breakdown thanks to a revolutionary organic ingredient and not just sit in landfill.
OFFICIAL MERCHANDISE: Perfect gift for all Harry Potter fans, superb quality, this Hermione Granger Egg Cup is officially licensed and approved by Warner Bros. Entertainment UK Limited.