Jean Marc XO Premium Vodka 750ml
Jean Marc XO Premium Vodka 750ml
Jean Marc XO Premium Vodka 750ml
Jean Marc XO Premium Vodka 750ml

Jean Marc XO Premium Vodka 750ml

in Vodka sold by Paul's Liquor
Don't Pay $149.99 
Description and specs
Handcrafted in the Cognac region of France by Master Distiller Jean-Marc Daucourt, Jean-Marc XO is the only vodka ever to receive the Five Star Diamond Award from the American Academy of Hospitality Sciences, as well as the highest rating ever for a vodka by the prestigious Beverage Testing Institute - a "Superlative" 97 Rating. Distilled nine times in French copper Alambic stills, Jean-Marc XO marries cutting edge French spirits and winemaking techniques with traditional craftsmanship to create an award-winning vodka which boasts a floral bouquet, complex and elegant wheat flavors and a silky smooth texture and finish.

ABV 40%
Delivery and returns
$14 Shipping to all available areas. Max 2 cases per order

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