Ruinart Rose NV 750ml
Ruinart Rose NV 750ml
Ruinart Rose NV 750ml
Ruinart Rose NV 750ml
Ruinart Rose NV 750ml
Ruinart Rose NV 750ml

Ruinart Rose NV 750ml

in Wine sold by Paul's Liquor
Description and specs

The history of Ruinart rosé, the very first rosé champagne to make its appearance, dates back to the 18th century. While Ruinart rosé champagne first appeared over 250 years ago, its excellent quality remains the essential feature of the production of this delicate wine to this day.

For a main course, it will be a remarkable complement to a leg of milk-fed lamb or a low temperature cooked veal fillet. At the end of the meal it will find its full expression with a berry soup enhanced with an excellent Modena balsamic vinegar.

It will be enhanced by thin slices of fine Italian prosciutto (San Daniele, Parma, etc.). A starter of mi-cuit salmon, or salmon prepared as a Japanese “tataki”, will reveal its many facets.

ABV 12%

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