Harry Potter Luna Lovegood Spectra Specs

Harry Potter Luna Lovegood Spectra Specs

Description and specs

We love Luna's style and if you do too, you can get one step closer to the perfect Luna Lovegood costume with these groovy Spectrespecs! These colourful glasses not only look really cool, they allow Luna to detect the presence of wrackspurts. While on the Hogwarts Express in Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, Luna saves Harry Potter from being mesmerised by little invisible wrackspurt creatures.

These specs are designed to make the wearer resemble an owl with feathered shapes at the sides and funky circular designs on the lenses that look like weird owl eyes. They frames are pink with purple flower-power inspired designs and the lenses have crazy circular designs.

According to Harry Potter history, the Spectrespecs were given away with copies of the Quibbler which is an alternative Wizarding World publication. Luna is an avid follower of the Quibbler, so it's not surprising that she has these specs and knows how to use them.

The Spectrespecs are adult size and should fit most teens and adults. They are great for Harry Potter cosplay or as part of a Luna Lovegood Halloween costume. They're also pretty sweet just for everyday wear for Luna fans. Order yours today to wear any time or to give as a gift for the Luna Lovegood follower on your list!

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