Aconyte Zombicide Last Resort Action/Horror Reading Book Paperback 368-Pages

Aconyte Zombicide Last Resort Action/Horror Reading Book Paperback 368-Pages

in Books sold by KG Group
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Aconyte Zombicide Last Resort Action/Horror Book Paperback

Hordes of zombies threaten to wipe out all of mankind in this first action-horror novel set in the exciting (yet horrifying) world of the Zombicide games.

The zombie apocalypse has driven humanity up into the Adirondacks. Enter Westlake, hardened career criminal on the path of “the Villa”, a legendary mafia hideout where he can escape the devastation. When he’s ambushed by the undead, an old FBI “friend” and his squad of survivors rescue him and then force him to reveal his secrets. The jokey myth of the Villa suddenly becomes salvation for the settlements scattered around Saranc Lake. Reluctantly, Westlake is saddled with an oddball team to navigate mine fields, trip wires, and flesh-eating zombies at every turn to find their safe haven. Shame there’s already someone living there

1 x Book

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