Magabala Books Swim Shark Swim By Dom Conlon & Anastasia Izlesou Hardcover Book

Magabala Books Swim Shark Swim By Dom Conlon & Anastasia Izlesou Hardcover Book

in Books sold by KG Group
Description and specs

Magabala Books Swim Shark Swim By Dom Conlon & Anastasia Izlesou Hardcover

Join Shark on a beautifully illustrated and poetic adventure around the world's oceans.
Swim around the world with Shark as he explores ocean forests and coastal reefs, meeting hammerheads and great whites, stingrays and dolphins in a search for the place he calls home.
With rich language and enchanting art, Swim, Shark, Swim! is written by Dom Conlon and illustrated by Anastasia Izlesou and
Features fascinating facts to inspire a love of science and the natural world.
Reading level varies from child to child, but we recommend this book for ages 5 to 8.

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