YoYo Factory Fast 201 Kids Fun Play Classic Plastic Round Toy Game 8y+ Assorted
YoYo Factory Fast 201 Kids Fun Play Classic Toy 8y+ Assorted
F.A.S.T. 201 yoyo stands for Fully Active Starburst Technology®, which is the patented technology that makes the F.A.S.T.® 201 so amazing. When you throw a F.A.S.T.® 201, you notice that it’s easy to throw, it spins fast, and it returns to your hand with ease. With three levels of adjustable response, you can tune your 201 for beginner to intermediate tricks. The F.A.S.T.® 201 is virtually maintenance-free and perfect for anyone trying to master classic yoyo tricks!
- RESPONSIVE - yoyo will return to your hand
when you tug the string
- Assorted colours
- 3 adjustable settings for beginner to intermediate tricks.
- Allows record breaking spins with easy return
- Perform complex tricks
- Spare string & yoyo trick and secrets guide
Recommended age range: 8 +
Please Note: This is assorted item. Colour/Design of the item will be picked at random and based on availability