GGG series Mobile Suit Gundam Lalah Sune
The Gundam Girls Generation (GGG) is a figure series that captures the classic female characters from the Gundam universe in 1/8 scale. The latest addition to the series is the first character from the original "Mobile Suit Gundam" - a pre-painted version of the Newtype, Lalah Sune.
Her yellow one-piece dress has been captured with a dynamic sculpt that makes use of translucent parts and gradient paintwork to stunning effect.
The base has been designed in the image of Lalah's Mobile Armor with aura-like blue-green effects flowing around her as she sits as if floating in the air effortlessly - a scene that captures the mystery of the young Newtype perfectly.
The gentle smile on her face makes it clear why Amuro and Char loved her, but also has a sense of loneliness... an expression sure to capture the attention of anyone who looks her way.
- Pre-Painted 1/8th Scale Figure.
- Approx.
- 230mm in Height with Base.
- (Figure Alone Approx. 200mm)