Oriental Botanic Vitex Excel 60Tab

Oriental Botanic Vitex Excel 60Tab

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Description and specs

Features and benefits

  • May assist in the management of premenstrual syndrome
  • Helps reduce the frequency and severity of PMS symptoms including tension, irritability, breast tenderness, acne, abdominal bloating and headaches.
  • Traditionally used to promote a healthy menstrual cycle including normalising absent, heavy, lengthened, or shortened periods or menstrual cycles
  • Helps manage mild to moderate acne in both women and men

How it Works
Vitex agnus-castusis a highly respected western herb that can provide significant relief for women experiencing premenstrual syndrome and is traditionally used for irregular menstruation. Vitex also helps manage acne in both males and females.

Women's Qi(TM) and Vitex Excel(TM) can work separately or in combination depending on each woman's unique symptom profile (see table below).

Indication women's Qi Vitex Excel
PMS with irritability, tension and mood swings 1-2 Tabs 1-2 Tab
PMS with breast tenderness and fluid retention 1-2 Tabs 1-2 Tabs (Breast tenderness)
PMS with mild anxiety, headaches and sweet cravings 1-2 Tabs
PMS with period pain and/or heavy bleeding 1-2 Tabs
Dysmenorrhoea (period pain) 2 Tabs
Menstrual irregularities 1-2 Tabs 1-2 Tabs (irregular bleeding)
Acne (men & women) 2 Tabs
NOTE: Take above doses once or twice daily. Combine with Tienchi Ginseng for heavy menstrual bleeding.


For pre-pubescent teenagers and children take as professionally advised. During pregnancy, always consult with a qualified healthcare practitioner before taking herbal medicines and nutritional supplements. Always read the label. Use only as directed. If symptoms persist consult your healthcare practitioner.

Delivery and returns
$10 shipping nationwide.

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