Bubba Bump Peri Bottle 360ml
The location of your incision makes bending over difficult and mobility limited, so have an Upside Down Peri Bottle to help with cleanup without putting pressure or soreness on the wound site.
GENERAL INFORMATIONThe peri bottle is used for rinsing your perineum with warm water after you give birth. The small holes in the spout give you a gentle spray of water - offering relief from that awful sting if you're recovering from a tear, have stitches or are swollen.
DIRECTIONSFill your peri bottle with warm water (not hot) or (your post partum soak) and screw cap on securely. Turn bottle upside down and whilst on the toilet aim for the perineum area. Squeeze gently and water will begin to spray out. Repeat as needed. Empty Bottle and let it dry.
WARNINGSPlease don't put hot water into the peri bottle and always test the temperature before use