PRIMAPORE Adhesive Wound Dressing - 8.3cm x 6cm - 5 Pack
PRIMAPORE Adhesive Wound Dressing - 8.3cm x 6cm - 5 Pack
PRIMAPORE Adhesive Wound Dressing - 8.3cm x 6cm - 5 Pack
PRIMAPORE Adhesive Wound Dressing - 8.3cm x 6cm - 5 Pack
PRIMAPORE Adhesive Wound Dressing - 8.3cm x 6cm - 5 Pack
PRIMAPORE Adhesive Wound Dressing - 8.3cm x 6cm - 5 Pack
PRIMAPORE Adhesive Wound Dressing - 8.3cm x 6cm - 5 Pack
PRIMAPORE Adhesive Wound Dressing - 8.3cm x 6cm - 5 Pack

PRIMAPORE Adhesive Wound Dressing - 8.3cm x 6cm - 5 Pack

Don't Pay $7.99 
Description and specs

PRIMAPORE Adhesive Non-Woven Wound Dressing is used to dress cuts and grazes


PRIMAPORE Adhesive Non-Woven Wound Dressing is used to dress cuts and grazes




1. Wash hands before and after treating thewound.2. Gently clean and dry the wound andsurrounding skin. Any excess hair should beclipped to ensure close approximation to thewound. Stop any bleeding (apply gentlepressure if necessary) and ensure that the skinis completely dry around the wound.3. Remove dressing from the pouch. Do not cutthe dressing.4. Remove the top half of the backing paper.5. Remove the second half of the backing paperand smooth the dressing down, withoutstretching, ensuring the pad fully covers thewound.6. Remove carefully, particularly with elderly orfragile skin. Support skin with free hand whilstgently peeling dressing away in direction of hairgrowth. Change the dressing as necessary (forexample: if wet or the pad is soiled).


Seek medical advice immediately for all seriouswounds and burns or if redness or discomfortoccurs. As with all adhesive products, apply andremove carefully from sensitive or fragile skin.Frequent dressing changes can result in skinreddening or damage to skin, particularly onpatients with fragile skin or dermatologicalconditions.

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Spend over $99 for free shipping. All other orders $8.95 shipping. Please allow 1-8 days for delivery.

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