Promotional Fizzlebert Stump And The Bearded Boy
Promotional Fizzlebert Stump And The Bearded Boy
Promotional Fizzlebert Stump And The Bearded Boy
Promotional Fizzlebert Stump And The Bearded Boy
Hot deal

Promotional Fizzlebert Stump And The Bearded Boy

in Books sold by Daves Deals
Don't Pay $14.99 
Description and specs

Perfect for fans of Mr Gum and Roald Dahl, this highly successful and widely praised series featuring a boy, a circus and a lot of silliness is now available in a bright new package.

'Freewheeling frivolity', Financial Times

'Once, and once only, there was a boy whose name was Fizzlebert.' Fizzlebert Stump lives in a circus where the bearded Barboozul family are the new stars. Their act is full of magic, mystery, fear, and fun. And it's nice to have another boy around, even if he is a bit hairy round the chin. But then things start going wrong. The lion loses his dentures. The clowns lose their noses. The Ringmaster loses his temper. And the circus is about to lose its license. Is the bearded boy to blame? Can Fizz save the day?

The story of a boy, some beards, a sinister plot, clowns in crisis, and a very poor rabbit.

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